Nome Completo / Full Name
Michael Scott Belsley

Gabinete / Office, Departamento de Física, Campus de Gualtar

Telefone / Phone
253 604 339 / 604 060


Categoria / Category
Professor Associado com Agregação/ Associate professor with Habilitation

Indicador / Researcher indicator
Orcid: 0000-0001-7968-5038

Página pessoal / personal page

Palavras chave / Keywords
Nonlinear Optics, ultrafast spectroscopy, quantum optics, optical metrology

Currículo Resumido / Short resume

I carried out my PhD thesis work under the supervision of Dr. John Cooper at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics at the University of Colorado in the area of far-wing spectroscopy of atomic collisions in the gas phase. I then worked to develop various four-wave mixing technique to study gas phase collisions with Professor Paul Ewart at the University of Oxford as well as on the generation and characterization of non-classical states of light with Professor Michael Raymer at the University of Oregon. In 1992 I established my own research group at the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal. Here I have worked primarily as an experimentalist focusing in several different areas, including dynamic light scattering, the development and characterization of non-linear optical materials, characterization of textiles using coherent optical techniques, cold atomic gases (in collaboration with Professor Alain Aspect's group) the propagation of light in random scattering media, and most recently developing ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopic techniques to study the dynamics of energy transfer in complex environments.